“I love the job search,” said no one ever. Let’s face it. Looking for a job takes time—and when that time and energy doesn’t pay off with a job offer, it can be disheartening. Poor response rates from prospective employers is one reason that once bright-eyed job seekers lose hope and fall into the trap of the “quick apply.”
During my time at Innovative, I’ve noted a growing trend. Today’s millennial job seekers have a ‘swipe’ mentality. They want instant results. But while a quick swipe across your screen might get you a date, it’s simply not effective at getting you a job.
Approximately 313,000 new jobs were added to the U.S. job market within the last few months. With an increasing number of people quitting new jobs after a short time, employers will be rushing to fill positions, and job seekers will be rushing to fill them. Against this backdrop, click-to-apply job postings have become massively popular because they seem to offer more chances of a callback. After all, more applications sent means more calls received, right?
Wrong. Employers often have very specific ways they want you to apply—something that these websites and their click-happy job seekers overlook. Even if an applicant does happen to see specific instructions for applying, they often favor a quick-send instead.
This lack of attention to details isn’t going unnoticed by employers, who are passing over what could have been a perfectly good candidate. Why? Because you didn’t pass the first test—the ability to read and follow simple instructions.
So, as you set out (or continue) the job search, here are 4 things that should be at the forefront of your mind if you hope to see your efforts pay off.
Read the job posting and follow instructions
Job seekers often miss out on some great opportunities because they don’t take the time to read, understand or follow the specific details. We had posted a position for a Relationship Manager, which is essentially a Business Development Professional, asking applicants to submit a video telling us why they are the right person for this position. Not one candidate, out of hundreds of applicants, sent us a video – not one! Unfortunately, we will not be contacting those candidates as it is a reflection of how they might miss an important question or request from our clients. Applicants need to slow down and focus on quality over quantity.
Always include your resume
Mobile Apply functions seem to offer a streamlined way to apply to jobs on the go. But most of these quick application processes only send your name and contact info to an employer—not your experiences. No hiring manager is going to bother with following up with a name or number alone. Always include your resume, even if that means forgoing mobile applications. Make sure that the company’s first impression of you is a positive and memorable one that gives them a reason to follow up.
Follow through and follow up
After you submit your perfectly detail-focused application stay attentive because complacency in any part of the job search can send your chances at the job spiraling. Express your interest in the position as more than just a passing fancy by following up. This will show employers the initiative and interest they want to see, and set you apart from the “click-happy” crowd.
Set realistic salary expectations
We’ve worked with a lot of new grads who come looking for jobs fresh out of college. Far too many of them have lofty salary expectations of $50K+. Setting your salary requirements too high is a surefire way to be passed over in favor of someone who is trainable and eager to start at a lower pay-grade with room for growth. Often, the best way to get in with the best companies is to have a realistic salary, gain experience and work your way up.
Working with a staffing partner such as Innovative is a great way to get your foot in the door of some of the top companies in Orange County and surrounding areas. Check out our job postings now and ensure your greatest career success by implementing these best practices in your job search.
Happy Birthday To…
June 07 – Christopher L.
June 11 – Timothy S.
June 14 – Cynthia G.
June 14 – Lance I.
June 16 – Andrea F.
June 21 – Jason G.
June 24 – Shayan G.